奥斯丁 Industries

奥斯丁 Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

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October 13, 2021

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达拉斯 - 奥斯丁 joins communities across the U.S. in October in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, from Sep. 15 - Oct 15, as well as the contributions and achievements of our employee-owners. The event is designed to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Hispanic Americans who have inspired others to achieve success, as well as celebrate the history, 文化, and contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, 墨西哥, 加勒比海, and Central/South America.

Here's what our employee-owners have to say:

"Hispanic Heritage Month means looking back at where I came from and honoring my ancestors. It is about having pride in who I am, and the journey that I don't know about so that I can have opportunities for a full and successful life. Lastly, it is about not letting traditions be forgotten. These traditions are the lifeline connecting us to our families that have long since passed. Continuing these traditions means that they are always with us and they really have not died." - Michelle, 奥斯丁 Industries

"Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration that provides others the opportunity to see who we are. This month makes me feel extra proud because it’s a way to honor our 文化's richness and diversity in our communities, especially because I was the first Latina in my family to graduate from University. I feel that we are such strong, 勤劳的, enthusiastic people that we truly help shape who we are and the world around us by bringing a world of values, 颜色, music in to our communities." - Zeidy, 奥斯丁 Commercial

"Hispanic Heritage month is a time to celebrate our history and all the cultural richness and diversity in our community. An opportunity to showcase and teach about our music, 艺术, contributions to society and our delicious food. This month is important to me because it reminds me to take a step back and reflect on the importance of the sacrifice and struggles our ancestors made for their families and future generations." - Bianca, 奥斯丁 Industries

"As a first generation American I embrace my parents 文化 and love the fact that we can celebrate it! My children get to learn about our heritage and about family 文化 and traditions." - David, 奥斯丁 Equipment Division

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